ISO, Buzz, Boss, & Spice Discussion Forums
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Welcome to the old Messageboard for the ISO, Buzz, Spice and Boss. This Messageboard is now closed, but you can still view old posts, which often contain lots of useful information.

We now have two new Forums, one provided and managed by the ISO Class Association and another which is provided and managed by Vantage Sailing.

For the ISO Class Association Forum, click ISO Class Association Forum

For the Vantage Sailing Forum (Buzz, Spice, Boss, Sport 14 & Sport 16), click Vantage Sailing Forum

   Forums  Topics   Posts   Last Post           Moderators        
  All Classes Forums 
Events & Fixtures
Race meetings, boat shows, multiple class training.
1132 5224 19-Oct-24 08:22 Pete Lindley
Bob Ladell
Stu B
Eurocup / Overseas Events
Information regarding the Overseas events.
Details include: - event, travel, ferries, insurance, accommodation etc.
238 2836 01-Sep-24 22:37 Pete Lindley
Bob Ladell
Stu B
News and General Information
Information for all - non class specific.

11675 13677 21-Oct-24 10:56 Pete Lindley
Bob Ladell
Stu B
Sailing Club / Accomodation Reviews
If you have been to a sailing club for a race meeting and used local accomodation, please place a review here.
Start a new topic with the relevant sailing club name, then your info.
75 227 02-Sep-23 06:10 Pete Lindley
Stu B
Manufacturers & Suppliers Info
Latest news from the manufacturers including stock levels and deals etc
103 254 10-May-24 17:47 Pete Lindley
Stu B
Crews Union
Here you go crews. Your space for some light hearted abuse towards your helms!
85 251 24-Feb-24 05:59 Pete Lindley
Stu B
  ISO Class 
ISO Classifieds
This ISO forum is CLOSED and no posting is allowed. It has been left for viewing and reference purposes only.
Please use the new forum
486 1454 25-Mar-10 20:43 Pete Lindley
Bob Ladell
ISO Boat & Class Development
This ISO forum is CLOSED and no posting is allowed. It has been left for viewing and reference purposes only.
Please use the new forum
160 1006 13-Aug-09 14:02 Pete Lindley
Bob Ladell
ISO Only Events & Fixtures
This ISO forum is CLOSED and no posting is allowed. It has been left for viewing and reference purposes only.
Please use the new forum
64 531 15-Jul-09 22:58 Pete Lindley
Bob Ladell
ISO News, Advice, Chat & Banter
This ISO forum is CLOSED and no posting is allowed. It has been left for viewing and reference purposes only.
Please use the new forum
95 375 30-Mar-10 11:34 Pete Lindley
Bob Ladell
ISO Manufacturers & Suppliers Info
This ISO forum is CLOSED and no posting is allowed. It has been left for viewing and reference purposes only.
Please use the new forum
6 34 22-Feb-09 22:26 Pete Lindley
  Buzz Class 
Buzz Classifieds
All Buzz related items wanted and for sale.
496 1520 21-Oct-24 17:14 Pete Lindley
Stu B
Buzz Boat & Class Development
Discussions on the development and promotion of the Buzz and the Buzz class.
Also, the place for your questions and answers.
134 732 30-Jul-24 08:30 Pete Lindley
Stu B
Buzz Only Events & Fixtures
All info regarding Buzz ONLY events & fixtures - racing or not.
164 648 16-May-24 14:24 Pete Lindley
Stu B
Buzz News
Anything that doesn't fit into any other category.

125 324 07-Aug-23 10:54 Pete Lindley
Stu B
Buzz Manufacturers & Suppliers Info
Supply & deals information from the various manufacturers and suppliers for the Buzz Class.
70 140 02-Sep-23 06:50 Pete Lindley
Stu B
  Boss Class 
Boss Classifieds
All Boss related items wanted and for sale.
169 405 25-Jul-23 11:56 Pete Lindley
Boss Boat & Class Development
Discussions on the development of the Boss and the Boss class.
Also, the place for your questions and answers.

40 199 22-Mar-13 09:46 Pete Lindley
Boss Only, Events & Fixtures
All info regarding Boss ONLY events & fixtures - racing or not.
97 384 19-Aug-23 11:27 Pete Lindley
Boss News
Anything that doesn't fit into any other category.

103 286 27-Sep-24 12:36 Pete Lindley
  Spice Class 
Spice Classifieds
All Spice related items wanted and for sale.
95 220 16-Aug-23 11:42 Pete Lindley
Spice Boat & Class Development
Discussions on the development and promotion of the Spice and the Spice class.
Also, the place for your questions and answers.
81 272 02-Sep-23 06:49 Pete Lindley
Spice Only Events & Fixtures
All info regarding Spice ONLY events & fixtures - racing or not.
69 296 21-Oct-23 10:14 Pete Lindley
Spice News
Anything that doesn't fit into any other category.

42 120 31-Oct-23 21:34 Pete Lindley

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