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Author Topic: An influx of casual players will be good
MMOexpsitefans Posted: 14-Apr-20 02:12
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This is precisely what I've been stating runescape has to do, look at the achievement of games such as Raid Shadow Legends and AFK Arena. Marketing is poured a lot into by them and it pays dividends. Buy ad space for advertising that is active on platforms like YouTube and twitch, and jagex needs to hire a team which reaches to content creators. I know from the past some streamers have been sponsored by them such as Witwix, but this was just a short quantity of time and forgotten. They ought to be persistent When they want a marketing campaign. Btw if anyone from Jagex is currently reading that.

And the interface is a PC equivalent. Raid Shadow Legends is dog**** along with the ad campaign is essentially a list of lies and it's massive and likely making bank. Runescape is great and the mobile port is pretty low-compromise and they're both the same game. If Jagex does not fumble the ball, then it might be enormous. But also they need to fix new Runescape player encounter since it's essentially impossible to have a fun time trying to get to Runescape sport as a new Runescape player and find out what you are supposed to be doing.Worth mentioning though those games have a better new Runescape player experience.

They mini games will revive In case jagex can successfully make an ad campaign like that of raid shadow legends or other games like that. A whole lot of users aren't hyper efficient like everyone is these days. An influx of casual players will be good if the Runescape players like the games. If I had been jagex I'd be pushing to finish cellphone for iOS. And that is then start shoving ads down everybody's throats.

Artisan, Support and gathering skills follow a similar vein due the quantity of content for every skill I won't describe how I picture a preview showcasing every ability, but the format is much like the one aforementioned. The point is. Describe the skill in a few words, do not overwhelm the viewer with phrases, even when they sound pretty apparent (use battle abilities to fight your way to the surface ), they're not too ambiguous or plain stupid like this disgrace here.

As a Runescape player you will be ovewhelmed by the sheer quantity of content runescape has to offer ignore what's behind their asses. Because of this, it is far better to break down the abilities in a easy to follow format and WITHOUT CRAMMING EVERYTHING IN A SINGLE AD.And that is it, a crystal clear message that is not difficult to comprehend, simple to follow, rather than simply a hurried effort to beg for new Runescape players.

Check out for more details.

[Edited by MMOexpsitefans on 14-Apr-20 02:13]

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