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Author Topic: gennakers
simon cory Posted: 20-Aug-08 20:30
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Sobstad gennakers, two available, only used for one nationals and one season club racing , no damage and in good condition. £ 100 each. Will have them with me at Paington
malcolm mellor Posted: 20-Aug-08 22:20
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Hi Simon. I am interested in buying one of your gennakers having just ripped mine last weekend. I am not coming to Paignton so would need to arrange postage. please contact me by phone 01953 605276 or 07766 102145 so we can make arrangements. Alternatively you can e-mail me on
Mark Wilson Posted: 21-Aug-08 08:40
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Hi Simon
Ours has quite a few patches now so we would be intersted in the other one - see you at Paignton to discuss further.
Best wishes
rogerbuzz Posted: 22-Aug-08 09:38
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Hi Simon, I'd buy one if available, email me on & I'll get cheque into post.
LeeGrace Posted: 10-Sep-08 07:57
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Hi Simon,

are any of these left? I'm about to buy a buzz with only one kite and would like a spare.


[Edited by LeeGrace on 10-Sep-08 07:57]

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