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Author Topic: ISO 586 for sale
Paul586 Posted: 14-Apr-08 17:28
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ISO 586 for sale currently in the North of England (Lancashire).

New Hyde Main and jib (August 2007) used no more than half a dozen times, Sobstadt spinnaker couple of years old (patched but good), launching trolley, road trailer, cover (seen better days but functional), foil bags, well sorted boat needs a good home!
Email for photos.
Paul586 Posted: 24-Jun-08 18:03
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ISO still for sale, have many photos, please email for details, photos forwarded on request.
anthony Posted: 10-Mar-09 16:41
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I'm very interesting by this iso
may y have some pictures of your boat?
especialy the sails
my e-mail:
Stu B Posted: 10-Mar-09 19:17
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This ISO sold last year and we took it to Italy for its new owner.


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