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Greg Curtin Posted: 06-Oct-08 10:22
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Your help is required.....

Following a terrible weekend at Datchet which involved flipping the boat end over end (in future when the windsurfers are coming back in maybe we should!) I need a replacment Centre Board, Rudder Blade and Tiller extension so if anyone has any cheap spares they would like to off load please give me a call or email.....


Greg (784)

Mob. 0782 453 8260
Greg Curtin Posted: 10-Nov-08 17:17
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Ian Moss Posted: 11-Nov-08 07:24
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You have specifically asked or cheap spares and my guess is no one has what you want. I am sure there are some s/h spares around although it is likely the owners will want to keep them in case they break theirs.

You can still get new spares and it is not impossible that your insurance could pay for them. If you want any help in sourcing new spares please contact us/me*, otherwise keep bumping your request and try and hopefully something will come up.

* I am not a supplier but as ISO technical chairman can help you source the parts.

Ian Moss
ISO 1207

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