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Author Topic: Daggerboard 2
Marc O Posted: 31-Aug-08 16:35
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I bought a few years ago a second hand buzz (429) in the uk and brought it back to belgium where I sail it on the Belgian, French and Dutch cost.
Since the biggining I had some difficulties to enter and retrieve the Daggerboard from its place. In the mean time i've hit some more rocks here and there and i've repared the cracks with thin layers of fiber glass and resine. But now its a real pain to place and remove the daggerboard. I read here and there that people make holes on the top so that air can come and go so that the shape of the board stays constant with temperature, as the board is hollow. Mine has no holes at all. On top of that i was talkng about this to the topper supplier here in belgium and he just said to me that the daggerboard of buzz are all plain and not hollow. ??? What should i do? Drill holes at the top of the board and try or just go for a new plain daggerboard?
paolomoncia Posted: 31-Aug-08 16:51
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I can't give suggestions about buying or nt without seeing the daggerboard, however I suggest to drill holes on top for draining water. If you have some cracks it is likely some water gets in even if it was repaired, at least mine does! I have two holes, one larger (3-4 mm) and one smalle (1.5 mm) just to let air in while water is going out of the other hole.

On a different topic, we just had the Eurocup in Italy, so it's late for 2008, but think about joining us next year. I act as "European" Rep. for the class, and would like to have infos and contacts for Buzzes from the different countries, in order to try and arrange events. during the last weekend of September at least 5 Italian Buzzes will meet at a race on lake Garda, may it be of interest to you?
Paolo - Buzz 452
Stu B Posted: 31-Aug-08 18:41
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I never drill holes in the top of the board unless water is getting in in the first place. It is hollow and made from 2 sections i think, therefore to fully empty if water is inside you will need a hole in both sides.

Some people suggest that the reason for drilling holes in the top is to stop heat expanding the board and making it tight in the casing, my theory here is that when in the water it is not going to be hot whatever the temperature outside.

I would make sure that the fluffy stuff around the casing is in good condition, maybe use a thinner material if neccessary, and polish the board to make sure it can slide up and down easily.

Hope that helps!!

Buzz 763
Marc O Posted: 21-Sep-08 18:45
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Thanks for all these suggestions.

I've drilled holes in it and stacked the board under a pile of bricks for the winter. I hope it will help.

Thanks paolo for the invitation to the gardian lake in Italy. I've never thought about it but in 2009 why not?


Buzz 429
paolomoncia Posted: 23-Sep-08 16:05
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You'll be welcome any time you want to come!
If you want to get in touch email me at paolomoncia "AT" tiscali "DOT" it, I'll be able to inform you of future events in Italy you might like to attend.

Roger987 Posted: 23-Nov-08 21:44
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Marc - Hi. Please let us know where you are. The Class Assoc is trying to keep in touch with all owners. Tks

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