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Topic: Training at Chew - May 2005 |
Jane_Mark Buzz 847 |
Posted: 14-Aug-06 09:31 |
I know this was a long time ago but we have only just got a DVD player so only just seen the DVD of this training event with the benefit of the sound - it's great. We want to say a big thanks to all those who helped, firstly of course to Andy Holmes for his training, videoing and his very pertinent commentary, to Chris H for driving the rib, to Andy Holmes's son, Josh, who did a lot of the technical wizardry to create the DVD and added the groovy music, and of course to all the sailors - fantastic.
Being able to see us attempting to put in to practice what we had learnt was great - the mast bend, sail twist, position in boat, manoeuvres etc - and of course always good to capture Penny and Roger capsizing as they don't do it in competitions enough for our liking! Actually I don't wish swims on them - we just need to cut down the number of times I dunk us in.
Thanks again.
Happy gybing Jane and Mark
Penny Eyre |
Posted: 15-Aug-06 22:05 |
You hid this message well Jane!!
We often re-visit that DVD as well - it reminds us what not to do when gybing! In fact we've now perfected the art of aborting the ones that look/feel as though they are going the same way as the one in the video clip!*! Echo what you said about Andy and the team. It was a very helpful weekend, and one which we should repeat for all new and developing crews on a regular basis.
I think Jean-Paul siad he was trying to organise another at Chew sometime - any luck J-P??
Jane - we managed to pitchpole at Roadford on Sunday (luckily no damage), so if we get good winds for the Bank Holiday weekend you may just see us swimming again....!
Penny Buzz 987
John Paul Indoe |
Posted: 17-Aug-06 13:14 |
i did post up a thread on it but there wasnt a huge amount of interest, but if people are still interested, i will do my best to get something sorted for next year. |
Penny Eyre |
Posted: 20-Aug-06 19:57 |
J-P ....A Great idea.....let's have an early season coach/train/race w/e.....surely it can't blow as hard as it has the last two times!!! Best you lobby Andy H!? Shame you can't make Roadford. Penny
John Paul Indoe |
Posted: 20-Aug-06 20:48 |
i will have a word with andy, the commitee at chew and see what i can sort out. i know that there would be at least 3 boats from chew who would want some training. Sorry about not being able to make it to roadford so am going to try to get to the inlands instead. |
buzz755 |
Posted: 29-Aug-06 16:28 |
We have recently purchased a buzz and I think it would be really helpful for us to see other people sailing them to get some tips and see if we are doing anything wrong! Would I be able to buy a copy of this DVD from someone?
Anyone with info could post it here or email me on
Many Thanks, Rich
Buzz 755
[Edited by buzz755 on 29-Aug-06 16:45] |
Penny Eyre |
Posted: 29-Aug-06 19:52 |
Your best bet is to speak to Andy Holmes at Wet & Windy in Bristol ( took the video and therefore has the master.....
Better still you could come and meet us at an event....Buzzes will be at Langstone (Nr Hayling)23-24 September and at King George (London) 14-15 October....hopefully training at Chew or Oxford in new year
.....there's always Roadford we have 7 Buzzes and race every Sunday...
[Edited by Penny Eyre on 30-Aug-06 13:23] |